More than just tackling rules and regulations, cross-border deals succeed when there is a reciprocal understanding of both culture and business practices.

During the era of globalisation, one of the biggest roadblocks in achieving successful cross-border deals has been and continues to be a lack of cultural understanding between business counterparts.

The CCG platform pays heed to the importance of cross-cultural understanding. Our advisors and teams help open the door for clients to nuanced, two-way understanding that builds confidence and trust.

The CCG way allows mutual partnerships to thrive and decision makers to be inherently responsible toward stakeholders, leading to winning relationships for everyone.


First Contact

The CCG process begins by presenting your cross-border business interests to the CCG advisor in your country or region.

Feel At Home

Beginning the process ‘at home’ with a local CCG advisor has distinct advantages. Your advisor will possess the unique knowledge of local law, regulations and business best practices.

What’s more, at this start-point, you’ll enjoy the comfort and confidence of smooth, same-language communications with an expert who fully understands your project objective.


Next Steps

Moving through this first step, your CCG advisor begins the process of building a bridge to your target country or region and business counterparts.

  • Be engaged by your local CCG advisor
  • Share knowledge in your language
  • Begin the bridge-building process to a winning deal

Project Analysis

In the second phase, your local CCG advisor works with their team of professional and expert consultants to analyse, break-down and appropriately structure your project.

This is done in consultation with the relevant CCG advisor(s) from the target country or region, as well as with other CCG experts countries the project may touch.


International Collaboration

Working in collaboration with the relevant overseas CCG advisor(s) and associated experts, the project is carefully evaluated and deemed a winning venture under the laws, regulations and market opportunities of the target country and any country it touches.

  • Project is analysed and structured
  • Full CCG consultation takes place
  • The ‘winning way’ for your project is determined

The Offer

Thirdly, your CCG advisor, having conferred with the CCG advisor in the project target country — who affords any business counterparts the same ‘at home’ treatment outlined in Step 1 — presents you with an information package.

The project package and all supporting documents are presented in your language.

The project package includes strategic approaches and solutions to achieve your project objective in a way that is fully compliant both domestically and internationally.


Moving Forward

At this step, you’ll feel confident to move your project forward knowing you are abiding by the law and not leaving you or your interests exposed.

What’s more, your business counterparts will be on the same footing, setting up a ‘win-win’ scenario.

  • Receive your project’s information packet
  • Evaluate the winning strategy
  • Move your deal forward with confidence